Welcome to the site! Thanks for being here! A little bit about me…
I am a Veteran of the United States Army after 11 years of service. I’ve been into logos and design basically my whole life, starting with drawing favorite team sports logos on the covers of my school books…eventually evolving to the computer world, recreating designs pixel by pixel in Microsoft Paint. Adobe’s Photoshop came soon after and everything took off from there. I enjoy being creative and seeing those creations come to life in the form of embroidery, vinyl decals or white toner transfers!
NoVa Custom Crafts, LLC was officially founded in 2018 and I started with only a Cricut cutting machine. I expanded to embroidery a year or so later and do everything in-house. Design. Digitizing. Production.
NoVa Custom Crafts, LLC was voted InsideNova’s BEST OF STAFFORD, 2023 in the Best Customer Service category! Thank you to all who voted!
Special thanks to Theorin, who put a special spin on the site!
Also, a huge shout out to all those who have supported me over the last 5+ years! I COULD NOT have done this with you!
Thank you, all!